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    • #24365

      Hi Steve,
      I’ve been noticing tons of Gruberi bursa thickenings lately thanks to your videos.
      The radiologists don’t seem particularly interested when I mention it….

      I was wondering what the significance of a thickened Gruberi bursa? Sometimes my patients are symptomatic there and that’s what they came for but sometimes it’s incidental and are asymptomatic.
      If it just a form of synovitis? Is it chronic in nature? Does it go away or will always generally be there?


    • #24367
      Stephen Bird

      I agree completely,

      A bit of fluid in the Gruberi bursa area is a really common finding and I don’t mention it unless they are tender there with sono-palpation.

      I think like all bursae, it is a normal structure and can contain a little fluid, however it can also get inflamed (bursitis) and become clinically important.

      I look for tenderness and also flow within the synovial walls of the bursa as evidence of active bursitis.

      Sometimes fluid in this area can also be from the dorsal tall-navicular joint.


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