Presenting original, practical and entertaining ultrasound education through webinars, lectures and live scanning workshops.
Bird Ultrasound provides up to date and relevant ultrasound education, on diagnostic and interventional ultrasound both face-to-face, directly to medical imaging professionals through in their clinical environment throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia, and Online webinairs, through this website.
Online ultrasound webinars now available!
Over 50 courses currently available on the subscription page with new material being added regularly.
Resources can be accessed at any time, from any location. They are an ideal and convenient way to stay up to date with new developments and fulfil your continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.
The online resources cater for professionals who are new to diagnostic ultrasound through to those who are experienced and looking to expand their skill and knowledge base.
Please enjoy this free viewing of excerpts from a variety of the material available right now.
This is an example of the educational material available by subscribing to the website.
I hope you enjoy this material and take advantage of an annual subscription which will allow you 12 months of access to all material contained on the website. Subscribe Now!
Stephen is a very passionate educator of diagnostic medical ultrasound and regularly presents at national and international conferences.
Since 1997, Stephen has been preparing and presenting original, practical and entertaining lectures; and live scanning workshops.
Since 2009, through Bird Ultrasound, Stephen has been providing up to date and relevant training directly to medical imaging professionals in their clinical environment throughout Australia, New Zealand and further abroad.
Extensive teaching material is available on a range of ultrasound applications, including:
- musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound
- ultrasound guided MSK interventions
- pain management
- ultrasound guided botulinum toxin injection for spasticity management
- emergency medicine point of care ultrasound
- men’s health applications of ultrasound
- obstetrics and gynaecology
- breast imaging
- paediatric ultrasound applications
- vascular ultrasound
- small parts ultrasound
- abdominal ultrasound
Each training package is tailored to meet the client’s individual needs.
The packages are designed to be clinically relevant, impacting immediately on the delivery of diagnostic and interventional ultrasound services.
Bird Ultrasound offers a variety of methods to deliver ultrasound education, including:
- Weekend workshops (multi station), made up of didactic lectures and live scanning demonstrations performed by Stephen. This is followed by instructional scanning time while your staff scan under Stephen’s supervision. This mode of delivery is best suited to groups of less than 15 staff. It is the ultimate learning experience combining education, demonstration and practical skill acquisition.
- Weekend workshops (single station), including didactic lectures and live scanning demonstrations performed by Stephen. This mode of delivery is best suited to groups of more than 15 staff. It allows a greater volume of subject material to be explored in the allocated time.
- Collaborative scanning days, where Stephen scans in your clinical setting, providing tuition and practical advice.This mode of delivery is most commonly used following a weekend workshop to consolidate new skills in a real clinical environment.
- Pure didactic lecture sessions, This allows a large volume of material to be discussed in a timely manner and may be used as an evening lecture option following a collaborative scanning day.
- Combinations of the above, for trade company clients who wish to offer ongoing education services to valued customers.
Bird Ultrasound already has over 50 online courses available now on a wide range of ultrasound subjects.
The courses are made up of either a single webinar or a webinar along with a live scanning demonstration. Most courses also come with downloadable notes for ongoing reference.
On completion of a course, you will receive a personalised CPD certificate.
This makes the ideal place to build your knowledge and fulfill your personal CPD requirements.
Bird Ultrasound provides training to sonographers, radiologists and a wide variety of point of care ultrasound specialists. For professionals who are new to diagnostic ultrasound through to those who are experienced and looking to expand their skill and knowledge base. Our clients include:
- radiologists
- sonographers
- sports physicians
- rehabilitation physicians
- pain physicians
- emergency physicians
- podiatrists
- imaging professionals
- private radiology practices
- public hospitals
- trade companies
- local affiliations of medical specialists
At each of Stephens’ seminars he encourages attendees to ‘stay in touch’.
Attendees get access to the secure discussion forum on this website so past attendees can keep in contact with Stephen and their peers..
The member’s section also contains:
- Case Studies
- Tips & Tricks
- Journal Articles
AMS, AMS (Vascular), DMU, DMU (Vascular), MMedSon

Stephen is a general sonographer with 30 years of clinical experience. He holds a General and a Vascular Diploma of Medical Ultrasound (DMU) and a Masters of Medical Sonography from the University of South Australia.
He has a strong commitment to advancing the best practice of ultrasound around the world and he has been a member of the:
- Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) Federal Council
- Australian Sonographers Association (ASA) Federal Council
He has been the chairman of:
- The Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR)
- The Diploma of Medical Ultrasound (DMU) Board of Examiners.
In 2002 Stephen received the Australian Sonographers Association (ASA) Pru Pratten Memorial Sonographer Achievement Award. In 2008 he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM). In 2022 he was made a Life Member of the Australian Sonographers Association (ASA)
As a radiology practice we had an extremely busy, informative and enjoyable weekend teaching course with Stephen. Participants ranged in expertise from those with only basic MSK experience through to very skillful and advanced practitioners. This course improved the knowledge and practical skills of all our sonographers and radiologists. It was of great benefit to bring the whole group together, especially because of the interactive nature of the teaching sessions. Stephen is a skilled and enthusiastic teacher with clear and comprehensive didactic lectures, is a master of methodical approach to practical scanning and has innumerable and invaluable pearls of wisdom for hands on technique. His sense of humour, and warm personality make it fun, enjoyable and memorable. The whole group found the weekend very positive, encouraging and stimulating.
In a word it was brilliant.
Synergy has used Stephen for our in house education a few times now and I have also attended his courses in the past. The feedback from all our Sonographers and Radiologists is that education provided by Stephen is second to none. He makes the content easy to follow and understand with excellent analogies. His style keeps the material captivating and entertaining as well as informative. Our staff look forward to the regular events we hold with Stephen as they all feel they gain so much from the weekend conference with him.
TRG Imaging in Auckland have been privileged to have Stephen Bird present several two day seminars over recent years. His knowledge and easy teaching style has meant that our MSK skills across our group has greatly improved. Staff now feel empowered to try new techniques and challenge themselves each day. MSK ultrasound is definitely not as scary as it once was. We now offer an excellent MSK service and we look forward to Stephen coming to talk to us again this year when we are going to get him to present on MSK again with the addition of some talks on other aspects ultrasound.
Stephen’s workshops are always well structured, very informative and his interaction with participants makes them enjoyable and fun to learn. He engages with his audience in such a way that it’s hard not to share his enthusiasm for ultrasound and quest for knowledge, both from a practical and academic point of view. Stephen’s workshop notes are comprehensive, he is generous with is time and his hands on scanning sessions allow everyone to practice what they’ve been taught. When I am at a conference, I will always attend Stephen’s talks because I know I will learn something new. Perth Radiological Clinic regularly run Stephen’s workshops to upskill its radiologists and sonographers.