Hi Kali,
There are many reasons why you can have a bony erosion in a shoulder.
Hill Sachs deformity is a specific example where the glenohumeral joint subluxes, allowing the humeral head to move anteriorly and then crash against the anterior rim of the bony glenoid. This collision results in a compression fracture in the back of the humeral head near where the infraspinatus insertion is. It also commonly takes a chip off of the anterior glenoid, which is known as a Bankart lesion.
I did a case of the week ago a while back which explored Bankart lesions that you can take a peek at.
So Hill Sachs is very specific.
There are many other causes of “erosions” in the bone around the shoulder. The case of the week I have just published called “A chink in the armour” explores some options.
I am about to publish a larger webinar called “What is that chink in the bone” that will further explore this topic.
I hope you enjoy them.
Happy Scanning,
Steve Bird