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    • #36073
      Sandra St Cyr

      Hi Steve,
      What is the provocative movement you have a patient do in the scenario of a RF IH mtj tear? I have tried resisted extesion, but it is very difficult as I have to scan with my left hand while I try to push against the tib/fib with my right – and then try to press the cine clip button at the right time!! Also difficult to stay on area of interest in all the excitement.


    • #36075
      Stephen Bird

      Hi Sandy,

      I ask the patient to cross their legs (put the ankle of the leg you are scanning over the other ankle.

      If you ask them to cross their legs like this and ask them to hover the ankle of the leg you are scanning slightly above the other ankle it produces nice stress.

      Also, I am enjoying your knee / calf webinar. I am watching it in bits between my patients.

      It is very nice,


    • #40081
      Sandra St Cyr

      I need to clarify Steve,
      what I meant to ask what how do I do dynamic assessment of RF central tendon (IH) injury proximal thigh?
      in the scenario of a soccer injury – kicking ball

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