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    • #34505
      Sandra St Cyr

      Hi Steve
      Can you please tell me how far proximal the PES Anserine bursa would extend when distended with effusion? I am wondering if it comes to the medial joint line/meniscus level? Also, is it likely to compress with sono palpation?
      I had a case where I was convinced that it was PES bursitis, but it turned out to be a ganglion. My mistake was to not follow it distal to the PES insertion/ genicular NVB, also I did not try to compress it.

    • #34544
      Stephen Bird

      Yes, the pet anserine bursa can become very large when it is distended with fluid in a similar way to the iliopsoas bursa or the sub-acromial sub-deltoid bursa.
      As in the hip it can be a little tricky to define if it is a para-meniscal / labral cyst of a bursa that is distended.
      Some helpful clues are to try and track the fluid collection to it’s source and also to check for compressibility. A bursa is generally somewhat compressible and a para-meniscal ganglion is not.
      It can certainly distend large enough to reach the medial joint line.


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