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    • #35425

      Hi Everyone,
      I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while but what’s your opinion on those cystic structures that measure around 10mm on the ovaries of patients who are post menopausal.
      I often see requests for them to get followed up but they look the same time and time again and I do not understand the point of it.
      Are they supposed to be considered as “cysts” or are they just remnant follicles?



    • #35460
      Stephen Bird

      Hi Diane,

      You are absolutely correct, there is no point in following these uo.

      In the second part of the gynaecology webinar you will see that IOTA deals with these lesions rather well.

      In the easy descriptors: Simple cyst / cystadenoma- unilocular, regular walls, <100mm max diameter are considered benign and require no further follow up,

      Also n the Simple Rules:

      B1 Unilocular cyst
      B2 Cyst with solid component <7mm diameter

      are benign and require no further follow up if there are no other sinister features.

      So the patient can be reassured and no further follow up is required.


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