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    • #53380
      Si Min Teo

      Hi Stephen

      I see this structure in some of my patients and I am wondering if you could recognise what this represent? It is sometimes mistaken as an ablation zone if patient happens to have one at segment 8 (in the video, the RFA site is vaguely seen just anterior to the structure in question, 4 sec into the video). I looked up liver anatomy and wonder if this could be the triangular ligament?

      Thank you!

    • #53381
      Si Min Teo

      Video and image attachment

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    • #53385
      Stephen Bird

      Great video,

      In my view this is simply the diaphragm,

      You also see it in the sagittal plane,

      As the ribs pass around behind the liver you often see an echogenic line protruding into the posterior edge of the liver. The diaphragm is not a smooth structure, it has to sit between the liver / lung and posterior ribs. The diaphragm, rather than being a lovely smooth echogenic line is often more irregular.
      I think this is what you are seeing.
      I see it often and next time I see it, I will take some axial and sagittal videos and post them here.

      I am sure it will look similar to your video.

      So in summary, I think it is a normal appearance.


    • #53387
      Si Min Teo

      Thank u so much!

    • #53388
      Stephen Bird

      Let’s see if between us we can get a few videos in the axial and sagittal plane showing this.

      I typically see it in older skinny patients, but that is not always the case.

      I will keep my eyes open,


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