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    • #35659
      Michael Shilton

      Hi Stephen. I had this patient who couldn’t extend her elbow and flexion was also restricted and painful. Orthopaedic tests didn’t reveal any real clues, tender to palpation seemed to be more in proximal forearm pronator teres area maybe?? X- ray revealed no bony abnormality. I drew a blank on ultrasound, I think I found an osteophyte on the medial joint line I don’t know if you agree? Annular, coronoid and olecranon fossas all looked fine with no fluid or loose body on neovascularisation. I’m referring her to either higher opinion ultrasound or MRI but would be interested in what your thoughts are. Regards Mike

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    • #35690
      Stephen Bird

      I agree Mike,

      Your scan looks clean with no obvious cause for restricted flexion and extension.

      When I have this history I think first of OA changes,

      Then I consider pathology such as synovial osteochondromatosis or anything else that can generate loose bodies in the joint.

      Joint pathology such as RA, joint effusion, synovitis gout etc are all on my horizon.

      In your case I can’t see any of these things.

      The plain radiographs have to be examined carefully.

      So I agree, nothing on your scan to explain the symptoms.


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