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    • #66698
      Kym Jessup

      Hi Steve!

      When you see disruption of normal muscle fibers secondary to significant blunt trauma how do you think about this? Do you consider this ‘intramuscular hematoma’ or a form of intramuscular tear? (I have seen this reported both ways). You see these injuries occur at the location of impact and they stray from these normal failure points if we are going to consider them a tear.

    • #66726
      Stephen Bird

      Hi Kym,

      Good discussion point,

      I use neither term,

      I prefer muscular contusion.

      The way I think of it is that the muscle was not stretched beyond its elastic capacity, nor did it bleed internally in a localised area, what actually happened was a disruption of many tiny capillary beds as part of the forceful impact. This led to interstitial blood sitting in the tissues, exactly like a bruise. Hence I like to use the term contusion “bruise”.

      There is a nice example of it in the MSK pathology principles webinar.

      Happy scanning Kym,


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