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    • #11400
      Sara Quixley

      Dear Steve,

      Do you take AVF volume flow measurements for both inflow and outflow?
      I know some clinics they only take inflow VF.
      I find it quite challenging to get a good outflow VF measurement especially with those super tortuous fistula.
      Any tips? (With Toshiba machine, a bit different from other companies. Flow area instead of diameter)

      If I’m not mistaken, outflow VF shouldn’t be measuring more than inflow. Is that correct?

      Thank you Sara

    • #11443
      Stephen Bird

      Hi Sara,

      Unfortunately I don’t scan AVF patients as they are all surveyed in the public hospital that does the renal transplants.

      It makes it a fairly niche area of ultrasound in Adelaide,

      I do however have some contacts that will be able to help us both learn together on this topic,

      Leave it with me for a tick and I will see what I can find out for you.

      Adult echoes and AVF ultrasounds are about the only things I don’t do regularly. I am blessed to have a wonderfully diverse case mix but it does not include these two examinations.


    • #11450
      Sara Quixley

      Hi Steve,

      Thank you so much!
      Looking forward to more of your vascular webinar. All of your webinars are very informative and awesome!
      Thank you Sara

    • #11473
      Stephen Bird

      Thanks Sara,

      I am glad you are enjoying them,

      I will provide more AVF advice in this thread soon,

      and indeed I am looking forward to recording my carotid, DVT, CVE, renal artery etc lectures into webinars for the website.


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