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    • #44503
      Son Nguyen

      Hi Birdies!

      What are your thoughts on this case I scanned today? Female AFL player went to sprint and felt both quads pop.

      Right side looks like a posterior fascia tear.

      Left side, prox MTJ direct head tear?



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    • #44517
      Stephen Bird

      How odd to tear both simultaneously!

      I agree about the posterior wall of the rect fem distal tendon MTJ tear.

      Nice example.

      The other one is tricky !

      I have not seen one like this before,

      The central (indirect) tendon is OK,

      I tend to agree with you that it is the direct head MTJ that has torn on the medial aspect.

      I hate the concept of a “myofascial tear” but this is as close as you can get,

      I would (like you) allocate this a direct head MTJ injury.

      Great case.


      • #44542
        Son Nguyen

        Thanks Steve, only just realized you recently released a course on this. I will have to watch and refreshed my memory on this complex anatomy.

    • #44543
      Stephen Bird

      It is certainly complex!

      It is a unique muscle,

      Inigo Iriarte and his team has made great progress with our understanding,

      Enjoy the material.


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