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    • #38590
      Xue Heng

      Hi, Steve! Please help me with this case.
      The patient was a 43-year-male, with swelling and discomfort of back neck for serveral years.
      The patient denied history of injury and there was no tenderness.
      US showed significant thickening of skin with strong attenuation, so that I had to lower the frequency to penetrate the tissue.
      US also showed thickening of deep fasia, with subcutaneous layer remained normal.
      No soft tissue mass was find.
      I only described the findings but cannot make diagnosis related to the clinical and US findings.
      Can you give me some suggestions? Thank you!

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    • #38977
      Stephen Bird

      This is puzzling !

      It is certainly the skin / dermis that is involved as the subcutaneous tissue looks normal.

      Has there been a history of sun damage?

      cutis rhomboidalis nuchae can be a diagnosis, however the skin looks too smooth.

      How about scleroderma?


    • #40052
      Xue Heng

      Thank you, Steve. The patient had no history of sun damage.
      How about Buschke’s disease? Some of my colleagues suggest this dignosis.

    • #40098
      Stephen Bird

      Yes indeed,

      This is a good option was well,

      It is really a case for the dermatology department rather than the ultrasound department !


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