MSK Ultrasound Pathology Principles

$15.00 Incl GST


This webinar will explore the fundamental basic principles, which must be understood to competently perform MSK ultrasound examinations. It will consider a wide range of topics that will change the way you assess and describe musculoskeletal pathology using correct nomenclature. The principles in this webinar can be applied to all MSK ultrasound examinations.

The webinar includes:

  • Patterns of tendinopathy, enthesopathy and associated synovial entheseal complex inflammatory processes.
  • Capsule avulsions, apophyseal traction injuries and synchondrosis stress changes are discussed.
  • Hyaline cartilage assessment for osteoarthritis, gout and CPPD will be described.
  • Hydroxyapatite deposition within tendons and joint capsules are discussed.
  • Finally, the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of bone stress reactions, stress fractures and orthopaedic fractures will be highlighted.

This webinar will give a valuable comprehensive overview of MSK ultrasound practice for both entry level and experienced practitioners.

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