Stephen Bird

There is a grading system called the Tanner System.

It is a 5 step system,

I don’t see many radiologists reporting using the system, but it does exist.

Tanner I
(Preadolescent) No breast tissue
Ill-defined hyperechoic retroareolar tissue

Tanner Il
Areolar enlargement with palpable retroareolar bud
Hyperechoic retroareolar nodule with a central scar-shaped or linear
hypoechoic area

Tanner IlI
Enlargement and elevation of the entire breast
Hyperechoic glandular tissue is seen extending away from the retroareolar
area and a central spider shaped hypochoic region is noted

Tanner IV
Projection of the nipple and areola above the breast
Hyperechoic, mostly periareolar, fibroglandular tissue is seen, showing a
prominent hypoechoic nodule in the central region

Tanner V
Regression of the areola to form a smooth contour with
the rest of the breast tissue
Hyperechoic glandular tissue is found, with increased subcutaneous
adipose tissue anteriorly and without the hypoechoic central nodule seen
in Tanner stages II, Ill and IV


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